Claim Analysis

Avancerad | Patentombud

A course on learning to read and understand patent claims with many practical exercises in claim analysis.

Antal dagar Number of days

Three days

Målgrupp Target group

The course is suitable as preparation for the claim analysis part of the EQE pre-exam, but it is also suitable for anyone who wants to learn to read and understand patent requirements for making, for example, patentability assessments or infringement analysis.

Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of concepts in patentability and claim analysis, such as novelty, inventive step and the patentable area.


Kursbeskrivning Course description

The course is built around practical exercises with questions about claim analysis, such as:
  • Does a certain claim have a novelty/inventive step above the stated prior art?
  • Which embodiments cover a certain claim?
  • Is a proposed change in claims acceptable under EPC?

The course provides training in the issues dealt with in the claim analysis part of EQE pre-exam, including assessment of patent novelty and inventive step in relation to known technology and of the scope of requirements in relation to concrete embodiments.

Claims analysis provides a better understanding of how patent claims can be interpreted and what possibilities you have when formulating or changing patent claims.

Since 2016 the course is certified by SEPAF.

Kursinnehåll Course Content

The course provides answers to questions such as:
  • How do you decide if a claim is new?
  • Is a certain embodiment covered by claim 1?
  • What can you change in an application? How do you know if a change is allowed?
  • How is inventive step assessed? How do you know what is the closest known technology? What is the difference between a technical effect and a technical problem?

Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

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