• Aktuellt


Kurser och utbildningar inom patent

IP-akademin erbjuder kurser för civilingenjörer och naturvetare med motsvarande teknisk utbildning som vill arbeta som patentombud.

I kursutbudet ingår handläggning av olika typer av patentärenden. Det finns ett flertal kurser och delmoment som kan läsas som en hel utbildning och som leder fram till att kunna titulera sig som patentombud. 

De flesta kurserna är också öppna för deltagare som önskar utbildning enbart i vissa avsnitt. Det kan gälla att fördjupa sig inom ett speciellt kunskapsområde eller att komplettera något till sin kompetens .

För varje kurs anges vilka förkunskaper vi anser är nödvändiga för att ha störst behållning av kursen. För att kunna få behörighet inför en
IP-myndighet krävs i vissa fall dessutom en godkänd teknisk praktik eller utbildning. Detta gäller för att kunna genomföra EQE-examen.

Kurserna ges på svenska om inget annat anges. Ett par av våra kurser ger PVU-poäng vilket anges i kursinformationen.


PCT Advanced Course

  • Patentombud
  • IP-Assistent
  • Avancerad
  • A review of the PCT system and of the administration of PCT cases at an advanced level.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Two days

    Målgrupp Target group

    The course is suitable for EQE candidates and experienced patent assistants, but is also offered to others who want to acquire good knowledge of the PCT system.

    The course is also suitable if you want to become a certified assistant.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Basic knowledge of the patent system and of PCT, for example from the course Grundkurs – Modul 4.

    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Lecturers from WIPO provides an overview of PCT regulations and practices at an advanced level.

    Note that the course gives PVU points.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • Brief review of the PCT procedure and time limits in the PCT
    • Filing of a PCT application and of a Chapter II demand
    • Correction of defects
    • Who can act as a PCT agent and represent the applicant?
    • Claiming priority documents
    • International Bureau as receiving Office
    • Recording of changes relating to the Applicant, Agent or the Inventor
    • International publication and access to the file of the International Bureau
    • International Search and Supplementary International Search
    • International Preliminary Examination
    • Unity of invention and protest procedure
    • Amendments of the international application
    • Procedure in case of deposited biological material and nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence listings
    • Entry into the National Phase and reinstatement of rights
    • EP regional phase requirements
    • US national phase requirements
    • Recent and future developments in the PCT system

    Vi kan erbjuda följande kurstillfälle. Passar inte detta datum ber vi dig ta kontakt med oss.

    We can offer the following dates. Please contact us if none of the dates suits you.

    • Fakta


      The course will be held in autumn 2024. Information about this will come up during the autumn semester. If you want to register your interest, you can book here on the right. Type the expression of interest and the name of the course in the message box.
      The course will be held in autumn 2024. Information about this will come up during the autumn semester. If you want to register your interest, you can book here on the right. Type the expression of interest and the name of the course in the message box.

    Claim drafting

  • Patentombud
  • Avancerad
  • En inblick i hur en patentansökan ska utformas och vad man ska tänka på när man formulerar patentkrav. Kursen är upplagd kring praktiska övningar på engelska.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    A two-day course providing in-depth practice in how to draft patent claims. The main focus of the course is claim drafting exercises with increasing complexity.

    Målgrupp Target group

    Kursen riktar sig främst till patentingenjörer som har jobbat några månader och som vill träna på att skriva patentkrav.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Förkunskaper motsvarande vad som ges i Modul 3 av grundkursen krävs, dvs en förståelse av hur en patentansökan är uppbyggd och vilken funktion varje del har, samt viss träning i att skriva patentkrav.

    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Kursen ger mer övning i att formulera patentkrav, med fokus på praktiska övningar på engelska. 

    Hur mycket ska man ta med i kravet? Hur skriver man bra osjälvständiga krav? Hur beaktar man kundens behov bäst, finns det vedertagen terminologi och hur hanterar man den kända tekniken?

    Kan man skriva breda krav som samtidigt är tydliga? Är det alltid en fördel att skriva så breda krav som möjligt?

    Sedan 2016 är kursen certifierad av SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • Praktiska övningar på engelska åtföljda av diskussioner
    • Patentansökans olika delar och deras funktion
    • Att tänka på när man skriver patentkrav

    Vi kan erbjuda följande kurstillfälle. Passar inte detta datum ber vi dig ta kontakt med oss.

    We can offer the following dates. Please contact us if none of the dates suits you.

    • Fakta


      Telefonvägen 30
      1-2 April, 2025
      09:30 - 17:00 dag 1, 09:00 - 16:30 dag 2
      10.500 SEK exkl. moms
      9.500 SEK exklusive moms om du anmäler dig senast den 1 mars
      Telefonvägen 30
      1-2 April, 2025
      09:30 - 17:00 dag 1, 09:00 - 16:30 dag 2
      10.500 SEK exkl. moms
      Campaign offer
      9.500 SEK exklusive moms om du anmäler dig senast den 1 mars
      Participate remotely
      Boka Register



    Patent Fundamentals

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • A basic course in patents divided into six modules.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you.

    Patent fundamentals has been developed in consultation with some of our experienced lecturers.

    Book the modules on the page of each module. Links can be found under the course dates tab.

    Målgrupp Target group

    Patent fundamentals is aimed at prospective or already active patent attorneys. Parts of the course are also suitable for, for example, development managers and entrepreneurs as well as for others who come into contact with patent issues in their work. Read more about target groups in the information about each module.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    The previous knowledge required to get the best benefit from each module is stated in the information about each module. Contact us if you are unsure.


    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    A short desription av all six modules including links to further information about each module:

    Module 1 – Introduction to Patents and Other IPR
    An introduction to the patent process nationally and internationally.

    Module 2 – Patentability
    Detailed review of the patentability criteria in the most important countries.

    Module 3 – Patent Application and Claims
    Goes through how a patent application is structured and what function each part has.

    Module 4 – Patent Internationally
    Provides an overview of international co-operation bodies for patent applications and explains what priority means.

    Module 5 – Claims and Response to Office Actions
    In-depth practice in writing patent claims and defense cases.

    Module 6 – Post-grant and Court Procedures
    Provides an overview of how objections work.

    Vi kan erbjuda följande kurstillfälle. Passar inte detta datum ber vi dig ta kontakt med oss.

    We can offer the following dates. Please contact us if none of the dates suits you.

    • Fakta


      Module 1: September 17-18, 2024
      Module 2: September 19, 2024
      Module 3: October 2-3, 2024
      Module 4: October 22-23, 2024
      Module 5: November 26-27, 2024
      Module 6: November 28, 2024
      See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.
      See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

      If you sign up for several modules at the same time, we offer a 5 % discount on the entire cost.

      Book the modules on each module's page. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

      Module 1: September 17-18, 2024
      Module 2: September 19, 2024
      Module 3: October 2-3, 2024
      Module 4: October 22-23, 2024
      Module 5: November 26-27, 2024
      Module 6: November 28, 2024
      See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.
      Campaign offer
      See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

      If you sign up for several modules at the same time, we offer a 5 % discount on the entire cost.

      Book the modules on each module's page. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

    Förberedande kurs för tekniskt delprov

  • Patentombud
  • Avancerad
  • Kursen är avsedd för deltagare som tänker ta det tekniska delprovet under hösten 2022 men passar även för andra som vill fördjupa sig i bedömningar av patenterbarhet, främst nyhet och uppfinningshöjd.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Fyra dagar

    Målgrupp Target group

    Målgruppen är de som ska göra Patentombudsnämndens tekniska delprov för att bli auktoriserat svenskt patentombud i höst. Målgruppen är de som ska göra Patentombudsnämndens tekniska delprov för att bli auktoriserat svenskt patentombud i höst.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

     Viss erfarenhet av patentarbete.


    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Patentombudsnämndens tekniska delprov för att bli auktoriserat svenskt patentombud kommer att hållas i Stockholm den 21 – 22 november 2023.

    Delproven innefattar tre moment: att skriva en uppsättning patentkrav och en inledning till en patentansökan, att besvara ett föreläggande, och att skriva en invändning.

    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    Kursen omfattar teoripass och praktiska övningar. En stor del av fokus ligger på att hantera problem-solution approach på bästa sätt i vart av de tre olike momenten.

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Introduction to Patents and Other IPR
    Patent Fundamentals – Module 1

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • An introduction to the patent process nationally and internationally.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you. If you sign up for several modules, we offer a discount on the entire cost.

    This first module Introduction to patents and other IPR (2 days) is arranged in direct connection with the second module Patentability (1 day).

    The previous knowledge required to get the best out of each module is shown below. Contact us if you are unsure.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Two days

    Målgrupp Target group

    New patent engineers, patent managers, development managers, development engineers, etc. who want to learn more about what a patent means - what can be protected and how to make the best use of patents in a particular business.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    The course is a basic course with small requirements for prior knowledge. Some experience is an advantage.


    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Module 1 starts with an introduction to IPR in general and the patent process nationally and internationally. The module also explains what rights the patent gives and how IPR can be used to create value in a company.

    The course is certified by SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • Introduction to intellectual property law
    • What is a patent; Basics on criteria for patentability
    • How to obtain a patent – the application procedure
    • How to obtain a patent – internationally (priority; intro PCT/EPO)
    • How can a patent be used – legally, strategically
    • How can intellectual property be used – presentation of a company

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Patent Fundamentals – Module 2

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • Detailed review of the patentability criteria in the most important countries.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you. If you sign up for several modules, we offer a discount on the entire cost.

    The second module Patentability (1 day) is arranged in direct connection with the first module Introduction to patents and other IPR (2 days).

    The previous knowledge required to get the best out of each module is shown below. Contact us if you are unsure.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    One day

    Målgrupp Target group

    Mainly patent engineers but also development managers and engineers who are involved in applying for patents.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Knowledge corresponding to Module 1 is assumed, ie, that in addition to what is stated for Module 1, one knows what a patent entails and has an overall understanding of the patent process.



    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Module 2 provides a more detailed view of the patentability criteria in the most important countries and jurisdictions.

    Concepts such as novelty, inventive step, obviousness and the patentable area are explained.

    The problem-solution approach is illustrated with exercises.

    The course is certified by SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • Prior art and novelty. Briefly about grace periods
    • Inventive step, problem-solution approach, exercises
    • Exceptions and exclusions from patentability
    • Patents in chemistry and pharmaceutics
    • Patents on computer-implemented inventions (EPO/USA/China/Japan)

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Patent Application and Claims
    Patent Fundamentals – Module 3

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • Goes through how a patent application is structured and what function each part has.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you. If you sign up for several modules, we offer a discount on the entire cost.

    The prior knowledge required to get the best out of each module is shown below. Contact us if you are unsure.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Two days

    Målgrupp Target group

    The target group is mainly patent engineers who want to learn more about how to write good patent applications and how to argue for their patent.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Knowledge corresponding to Module 2 is assumed, ie that in addition to what is stated for previous modules, one also knows concepts such as novelty and inventive step and the most important exceptions from patentability.


    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Module 3 provides an understanding of how the structure of a patent application and the function of each part. Special focus is given to the claims, different claim categories, independent and dependent claims, etc.

    The course is certified by SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • More about the structure of a patent application
    • Claims – including exercises
    • Office action and response – including exercises
    • Final stages of the grant process
    • Briefly about oppositions and 3rd party observations.

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Patent Internationally
    Patent Fundamentals – Module 4

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • Provides an overview of international co-operation bodies for patent applications and explains what priority means.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you. If you sign up for several modules, we offer a discount on the entire cost.

    The prior knowledge required to get the best out of each module is shown below. Contact us if you are unsure.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Two days

    Målgrupp Target group

    The target group is new patent engineers, patent managers, development engineers, development managers, etc. who want to learn more about patents and the patent process and how to think strategically about patenting.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Knowledge corresponding to Module 2 is required. It is not necessary to have detailed knowledge of the structure of the patent application or skills in writing patent claims.



    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Module 4 provides more detail on how to obtain patents in other countries, including the concept of priority, and an overview of international systems for handling patent applications, primarily PCT and EPC as well as patent formalities for some important countries. We also discuss how to choose countries and strategies for patenting.

    The course is certified by SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • Priority
    • PCT – Patent Cooperation Treaty
    • EPO – formalities, patentability, procedural aspects
    • USA – formalities, patentability, procedural aspects
    • Other important countries

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Claims and Response to Office Actions
    Patent Fundamentals – Module 5

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • In-depth practice in writing patent claims and defense cases.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you. If you sign up for several modules, we offer a discount on the entire cost.

    The prior knowledge required to get the best out of each module is shown below. Contact us if you are unsure.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Two days

    Målgrupp Target group

    The target group is mainly patent engineers who want to learn more about how to write good patent applications and about communication with patent offices.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Knowledge corresponding to Module 3 is assumed, ie in addition to what is stated for previous modules, you also know how a patent application is structured, what function the patent claims have, and have some practice in writing patent claims and arguing according to the problem-solving method.


    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Module 5 elaborates further on claims drafting, devoting most of the time to claim drafting exercises.

    The course is certified by  SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    The main part of the module is dedicated to exercises in claim drafting with some theoretical background and with some focus on the importance of novelty and inventive step.

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Post-grant and Court Procedures
    Patent Fundamentals – Module 6

  • Patentombud
  • Grundläggande
  • Provides an overview of how objections work.

    Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

    Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you. If you sign up for several modules, we offer a discount on the entire cost.

    The prior knowledge required to get the best out of each module is shown below. Contact us if you are unsure.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    One day

    Målgrupp Target group

    The target group is new patent engineers, patent managers, development engineers, development managers, etc. who want to learn more about how to handle competitors' patents.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Knowledge corresponding to Module 2 is required. It is not necessary to have detailed knowledge of the structure of the patent application or skills in writing patent claims.



    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    Module 6 discusses formal and strategic aspects of oppositions, in particular in the EPO. Some procedures for post-grant proceedings in the USA are discussed and the court procedures mainly in Sweden is described.

    The course is certified by SEPAF.


    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    • Opposition and appeal, focusing on the EPO
    • Post-grant in the USA
    • Court proceedings
    • Visit to the Patent and Market Court (if the pandemic allows)

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Claim Analysis

  • Patentombud
  • Avancerad
  • A course on learning to read and understand patent claims with many practical exercises in claim analysis.

    Antal dagar Number of days

    Three days

    Målgrupp Target group

    The course is suitable as preparation for the claim analysis part of the EQE pre-exam, but it is also suitable for anyone who wants to learn to read and understand patent requirements for making, for example, patentability assessments or infringement analysis.

    Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

    Basic knowledge of concepts in patentability and claim analysis, such as novelty, inventive step and the patentable area.


    Kursbeskrivning Course description

    The course is built around practical exercises with questions about claim analysis, such as:
    • Does a certain claim have a novelty/inventive step above the stated prior art?
    • Which embodiments cover a certain claim?
    • Is a proposed change in claims acceptable under EPC?

    The course provides training in the issues dealt with in the claim analysis part of EQE pre-exam, including assessment of patent novelty and inventive step in relation to known technology and of the scope of requirements in relation to concrete embodiments.

    Claims analysis provides a better understanding of how patent claims can be interpreted and what possibilities you have when formulating or changing patent claims.

    Since 2016 the course is certified by SEPAF.

    Kursinnehåll Course Content

    The course provides answers to questions such as:
    • How do you decide if a claim is new?
    • Is a certain embodiment covered by claim 1?
    • What can you change in an application? How do you know if a change is allowed?
    • How is inventive step assessed? How do you know what is the closest known technology? What is the difference between a technical effect and a technical problem?

    Just nu finns det inga inplanerade datum för denna kursen. Currently there are no scheduled dates for this course.

    Kontakta oss gärna och anmäl ditt intresse så återkommer vi till dig när datum är satt.

    Please contact us and report your interest and we will return to you when the date is set.

    Boka kurs

    Fyll i dina uppgifter nedan för att boka plats på kursen.

    Formuläret innehåller fel. Kontrollera formuläret och försök igen. Tack!


    Tack för ditt meddelande!

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