Patent Fundamentals

Grundläggande | Patentombud

A basic course in patents divided into six modules.

Kort om Grundkursen Facts about the course

Patent fundamentals is divided into six modules that are to some extent based on each other. Each module covers a specific area within patents and it is possible to study the entire Patent fundamentals course or choose the modules that are relevant for you.

Patent fundamentals has been developed in consultation with some of our experienced lecturers.

Book the modules on the page of each module. Links can be found under the course dates tab.

Målgrupp Target group

Patent fundamentals is aimed at prospective or already active patent attorneys. Parts of the course are also suitable for, for example, development managers and entrepreneurs as well as for others who come into contact with patent issues in their work. Read more about target groups in the information about each module.

Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

The previous knowledge required to get the best benefit from each module is stated in the information about each module. Contact us if you are unsure.


Kursbeskrivning Course description

A short desription av all six modules including links to further information about each module:

Module 1 – Introduction to Patents and Other IPR
An introduction to the patent process nationally and internationally.

Module 2 – Patentability
Detailed review of the patentability criteria in the most important countries.

Module 3 – Patent Application and Claims
Goes through how a patent application is structured and what function each part has.

Module 4 – Patent Internationally
Provides an overview of international co-operation bodies for patent applications and explains what priority means.

Module 5 – Claims and Response to Office Actions
In-depth practice in writing patent claims and defense cases.

Module 6 – Post-grant and Court Procedures
Provides an overview of how objections work.

Vi kan erbjuda följande kurstillfälle. Passar inte detta datum ber vi dig ta kontakt med oss.

We can offer the following dates. Please contact us if none of the dates suits you.

  • Fakta


    Module 1: September 17-18, 2024
    Module 2: September 19, 2024
    Module 3: October 2-3, 2024
    Module 4: October 22-23, 2024
    Module 5: November 26-27, 2024
    Module 6: November 28, 2024
    See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.
    See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

    If you sign up for several modules at the same time, we offer a 5 % discount on the entire cost.

    Book the modules on each module's page. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

    Module 1: September 17-18, 2024
    Module 2: September 19, 2024
    Module 3: October 2-3, 2024
    Module 4: October 22-23, 2024
    Module 5: November 26-27, 2024
    Module 6: November 28, 2024
    See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.
    Campaign offer
    See each current module. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

    If you sign up for several modules at the same time, we offer a 5 % discount on the entire cost.

    Book the modules on each module's page. Links can be found under the course information tab above.

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