PCT Advanced Course

Avancerad | IP-Assistent | Patentombud

A review of the PCT system and of the administration of PCT cases at an advanced level.

Antal dagar Number of days

Two days

Målgrupp Target group

The course is suitable for EQE candidates and experienced patent assistants, but is also offered to others who want to acquire good knowledge of the PCT system.

The course is also suitable if you want to become a certified assistant.

Förkunskaper Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of the patent system and of PCT, for example from the course Grundkurs – Modul 4.

Kursbeskrivning Course description

Lecturers from WIPO provides an overview of PCT regulations and practices at an advanced level.

Note that the course gives PVU points.


Kursinnehåll Course Content

• Brief review of the PCT procedure and time limits in the PCT
• Filing of a PCT application and of a Chapter II demand
• Correction of defects
• Who can act as a PCT agent and represent the applicant?
• Claiming priority documents
• International Bureau as receiving Office
• Recording of changes relating to the Applicant, Agent or the Inventor
• International publication and access to the file of the International Bureau
• International Search and Supplementary International Search
• International Preliminary Examination
• Unity of invention and protest procedure
• Amendments of the international application
• Procedure in case of deposited biological material and nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence listings
• Entry into the National Phase and reinstatement of rights
• EP regional phase requirements
• US national phase requirements
• Recent and future developments in the PCT system

Vi kan erbjuda följande kurstillfälle. Passar inte detta datum ber vi dig ta kontakt med oss.

We can offer the following dates. Please contact us if none of the dates suits you.

  • Fakta


    The course will be held in autumn 2024. Information about this will come up during the autumn semester. If you want to register your interest, you can book here on the right. Type the expression of interest and the name of the course in the message box.
    The course will be held in autumn 2024. Information about this will come up during the autumn semester. If you want to register your interest, you can book here on the right. Type the expression of interest and the name of the course in the message box.

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